21 days challenges – superhero testlady


Hello hello hello my dearest mused beings!
This post comes a little unusually late (due also to weird working schedules, lost trains and tickets… but do I let it beat me down? absolutely not!), but I’m really excited, I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and it’s more in line with the spirit of this blog itself than ever.

I’ve re-written everything at least three times, I’m trying to keep it short while telling you all about. So I thought: bulletpoints! Hoping it will be lighter and faster to read.

1) I decided to follow my own advice and challenge myself
2) I decided I have to cross all those “to-do-lists”stuff off
3) I decided to turn to new, healthier, habits
4) I decided that each mission will be a 21 days challenge, to be able to review it throughly, and not only with a glance

There’s no blog, website, guru, book, audio-book, dvd, mp3, podcast, ebook, tv show, coach, trainer and spiritual guide that can do the trick on you, if YOU do NOT want to change.
It may be a perfect excuse for all those new-agey remedies, but it’s and undoubtable psychological truth.

Each challenge, for 21 days
Because apparently in 21 days you have created a new habit, or at least a new habit started replacing an old one, and is reasonably short time but enough to try something out very well.
I have a pretty long list of things I’d like to try out and books to put in practice, and actually I have already started, but I’ll dish ’em out as surprises to you.
I’ll pick one and I’ll do it, then I’ll review it on the blog. I do realize however that there are things that won’t last 21 days, some more, some (a lot) less, anyway I’ll be your test-lady and in the meanwhile I’ll keep up with the “usual” posts 😉 But I’m committing to really be my own superhero.

Who‘s with me?

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5 thoughts on “21 days challenges – superhero testlady

    1. Euforilla Post author

      Ciao Meg, grazie per i complimenti *_*

      Le sfide dei 21 giorni devo confessare si sono un po’ arenate: più ne facevo meno me ne rimanevano da fare 😀 e soprattutto mi faccio meno problemi a provare cose nuove e continuarle!

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