Musa’s Box

What does a Muse keep in her own box?

This is simply a list of things that I loved and enjoyed, and that made me happy or smile during this past week.
I would like to read yours! Truly, it’s a fun exercise to focus on the nice side of your days. Keeping this list I’ve learned to seek for these “good things” during all the week, it keeps me in a better mood :)

° this past weekend: pijama, relax and chocolate muffins
° picking the wrong show, but still enjoy my time with my friends
° cheesecake
° hunting for macarons pictures and recipes (I’m so willing to try making some!)
° starting this blog
° the best french fries you can get for lunch-time
° buying cheap but worthy makeup brushes in craft stores
° studying for my last test!
° henna
° Watership Down (by Richard Adams)
° band reunions
° listening again to old songs
° good movies
° cuddles
° cooking cous cous again after a looooong time

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2 thoughts on “Musa’s Box

  1. Vale

    I lati positivi dell'ultima settimana?
    Un invito inatteso, un messaggio inatteso, mezza giornata di ferie, la festa in maschera di carnevale, aver creato un nuovo pattter per un fiore.
    Non mi lamento, ma speriamo che la prossima porti qualcosa di più sostanzioso!

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