I’ve recently found out that Gala Darling (the blogger I’m grateful for showing me what gratitude lists are) some time ago announced that she will stop selling her “book” Love & Sequins. An ebook+podcast I purchased quite some time ago…

I’ve recently found out that Gala Darling (the blogger I’m grateful for showing me what gratitude lists are) some time ago announced that she will stop selling her “book” Love & Sequins. An ebook+podcast I purchased quite some time ago…
Few books and again no classic, I know, I’m terrible. I could have waited a month from the last “nightstand” I’ve published, but I like the idea to get back at posting my book reviews around the 7th of each…
Thanx to your advice I put in my suitcase these books… I read slowly, lazily, between a dip in the sea and a fried auberjine… This post is being posted lately than usual, and I haven’t read my “monthly classic”:…
Books I’ve read in (half) July, have you read any of these? ^^ The Metamorphosis by F.Kafka – here it is, the classic of the month, I’ll straightly confess my ignorance: I did not know it was a short novel.…
This week too I’ve collected some experiences I’m grateful for But most of all this week I need your help, you’ll find the proper question down below! ° the feeling of “Being on holiday” ° home made pesto with the…